Different seasons require diverse maintenance checks, and at this time of year it’s a good idea to pay some attention to your tyres. Autumn is almost here – and we’ve already experienced more rain than usual this summer – so it’s essential that your vehicle’s tyres are ready for the wet weather ahead.

The majority of tyre checks can be done at home and only take a few minutes – so why would you skip this vital maintenance? Worn tyres are an accident waiting to happen, as if you go below the recommended tyre tread depth then stopping distances can increase dramatically. If putting yourself and other drivers at risk isn’t enough to persuade you to check your tyres, then the current fine might make you stop and think. If tyres are worn down past the legal limit (1.6mm) then motorists can be fined upto £2,500 per tyre and have points put on their their license.

Wet braking

It’s especially important to check tyres are roadworthy ahead of wet weather, because worn tyres are especially dangerous when it’s raining. Deep tyre treads improve grip, and without the proper tyre tread the tyres won’t be able to successfully disperse water. The RAC states that the difference in wet braking distance between tyre treads of 3mm and 1.6mm can be up to 44%.

Tyre tests

So how do you check if all four tyres are ready for the autumn and winter? The two main checks to conduct are the tyre tread the tyre pressure. You can measure these yourself, and if there seems to be a problem take the vehicle to your local garage to be assessed by a mechanic. Once a tyre is worn down to the legal limit it will need replacing, but if there’s an issue with tyre pressure than motorists can usually fill them up with air at a petrol station.

Correct tyre pressure

Underinflated and overinflated tyres can result in reduced fuel efficiency and poor braking distances. Tyres tend to lose air during warmer weather, so testing the pressure straight after summer is a good idea. Each car manufacturer will advise on the correct tyre pressure for your vehicle, so make sure you check in the handbook before measuring. If one tyre seems to be losing air more quickly than the rest, you may have a puncture so you should see if a mechanic can fix it.

Make sure your tyres are ready for the rainy season ahead.  If you want to have them checked out professionally please feel free to call us on 01827 713169 and speak to one of our skilled Technicians.
